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British Embassy Kyiv Supporting Medical Work in Ukraine

27th May 2022

British Embassy Kyiv call for project bids to support medical work in Ukraine 2022/23

The UK seeks to provide support to help those suffering from conflict-related trauma (both psychically and psychologically) in Ukraine.

With the rise in conflict, there has also been an increase in the number of individuals serving their country. This has put a significant strain on the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU). The UK wishes to aid the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine (U-MOD) to help those suffering. Whether this is from either or both psychological and physical conflict-related trauma.

The Special Defence Advisory Team is looking for a partner to aid with the delivery of the following four objectives:

  1. Assist with the development of U-MOD’s internal policies to ensure it delivers best-practice support for psycho-social trauma and trauma risk management, including recognising the specific needs of vulnerable groups (women and minorities).
  2. Assist with the development of psycho-social trauma monitoring, lessons-learning, and support reach-back.
  3. Undertake a gaps analysis of psycho-social trauma within the AFU. Engage with UK military trauma support specialists to assist with the development of a package to improve the process in place and fill any gaps in support (through advice, facilitation, or direct delivery of needs, as required).
  4. Undertake, in consultation with the AFU, a needs analysis of the provision on Ukrainian conflict-related trauma surgery. If required, work with the UK’s Royal Centre for Defence Medicine in the adaptation and delivery of their remote trauma surgery training package.

Guidance for bidding 

If you’re interested in bidding for this funding, here’s what you need to know:

  • Projects will be funded for nine months, from July 2022 to April 2023
  • Funds will be delivered in GBP to a GBP bank account
  • Bids should demonstrate 85% spend by 31st December 2022 and 100% spend by 31st March 2023
  • Project bids can be submitted by individual organisations or several organisations in a consortium
  • The minimum budget limit is £75,000 and the maximum budget limit is £125,000
  • Bids should not exceed 30 pages
  • Bids should be written in English.

Assessment criteria

After submission, your bid response will be assessed against criteria which includes, but isn’t limited to, the following:

  • Bidders must present realistic outcomes which are achievable between the 1st of July 2022 and 31st of March 2023
  • The bidder must evidence the capability to adapt and flex to the unfolding situation in Ukraine
  • Project design must include clear monitoring and evaluation procedures, as well as risk and financial accountability procedures
  • Alignment with the Paris Agreement, demonstrating that a climate and environmental risk and impact evaluation was completed
  • Organisations must have robust safeguarding policies in place
  • The project demonstrates a sufficient level of detail and overall value for money
  • Ideally, project management costs, project operation costs and office support costs will not exceed the 10% ceiling of overall costs.

Funding exceptions

It’s important to note that the funding can’t be used for the following:

  • Procurement of PPE, vaccines, diagnostic tests/materials, and COVID-19 related items
  • Procurement of land or property
  • Construction projects
  • Purchase or maintenance of IT equipment
  • Fundraising efforts of the organisation.

When is the deadline? 

The submission deadline is 11:55pm (GMT) on Wednesday the 8th of June 2022. Any proposals submitted after this date and time will not be considered.

More information about the British Embassy Kyiv’s project can be found at GOV.UK. Visit the website to find out more about the application process and what’s required from bidders.

Need help with the bid?

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Tender Writing

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